Soft Story Retrofit 14220 Burbank Blvd. Sherman Oaks

A Los Angeles Soft Story Retrofit Contractor, Retrofitting360, has been busy setting up the soft-story retrofit at 14220 Burbank in Sherman Oaks, CA!
Week 1:
The first week of construction consisted of equipment mobilization and setting up the project site. Next, grade beams and framing were outlined to give the structure support during possible earthquakes. The outlining of these support systems is incredibly important and requires careful planning and design by a professional Los Angeles Soft Story Retrofit Contractor. Demolition of the existing concrete slab, asphalt, and grade beam was conducted to make way for the new materials.
Week 2:
Week 2 of construction saw even more progress at the Sherman Oaks location. The existing dragline was fastened and strapped. Steel cantilever columns were installed as well as a new dragline, helping to reinforce the soft areas of the building and prevent any rotating or collapse. Next, a new grade beam and rebar was installed. The new rebar was installed within the existing concrete but will have new concrete poured to create a stable base structure.
Keep your eye out for weekly updates on 14220 Burbank Ave by RetroFitting360, your Los Angeles Soft Story Retrofit Contractor.
In the meanwhile, if you’re in need of a retroffit evaluation, for a short time, we’re offering a $1,500 rebate for your soft-story retrofit project.
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Sherman Oaks, CA 91401, USA