Soft Story Retrofit 714 Myrtle Ave Inglewood Los Angeles

This project is completed. Retrofitting 360 offers custom engineering to fit your budget and needs.
With the deadline to the city’s mandatory retrofit program quickly approaching, LA soft-story retrofit contractors are working on multiple properties throughout Los Angeles. RetroFitting 360 is one of the leading companies to specialize in seismic retrofitting. As of right now, they have at least 60 retrofit projects that are in various stages of completion. Their contractors are qualified to retrofit apartment complexes and commercial buildings that have been classified as soft-story buildings.
A soft-story building, like this one on 714 Myrtle Avenue currently undergoing a retrofit, is any structure with more than three floors built over a ground level that has multiple windows, large doors, and commercial spaces. Normally, a shear wall is used to give the building stability to withstand a seismic event. Without this reinforcement by RetroFitting 360, this building would be at risk for structural damage during an earthquake.
LA soft story retrofit contractors put a lot of planning and attention into any seismic retrofit, and RetroFitting 360 is no different. We start by getting the architectural and engineering plans approved by the city for compliance. After the plans have been approved, the construction can begin. In the case of apartments buildings the tenants will be notified before the work begins.
The soft-story retrofit now provides the building with connectors that convert the previously loosely connected parts of a building into a unified structure that stays intact when affected by earthquake forces which can easily tear weak buildings apart. Of course, an additional benefit to building owners is that besides the safety of its tenants, a retrofit process is sure to minimize the damage of an earthquake and reduces repair costs after a seismic event.
What We Offer
Most soft-story buildings in the Los Angeles area fall under the mandatory soft-story retrofit program enacted by the city officials. Owners were issued letters to comply and given a deadline for when the work needs to be completed. Our LA soft story retrofit contractors can help you get started with a consultation. One of our specialized contractors will walk through your property to assess the conditions and determine what modifications it will need. We will then provide you with a detailed report that includes the work to be done to bring your building up to the city’s ordinances.
As a leading provider of soft-story earthquake retrofitting in Los Angeles, our goal is to deliver a cost-effective and efficient construction solution. Our fully trained staff includes civil and architectural contractors that have the specialized training needed to modify the floor and site plans so they can be approved by the city in order to acquire the necessary permits
Our team at RetroFitting 360, Inc. will work with you throughout the process to make your soft-story retrofit process as painless as possible. Whether you received a notice to comply with the retrofit program, or you are just worried about your building’s foundation and have questions about the process, you can contact us to schedule a free evaluation of your property and find out more about our cost-effective solutions.
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Inglewood, CA 90301, USA