Retrofitting Contractors: A Cheap Deal Is Not A Good Deal
With the deadline almost here, retrofitting contractors are practically crawling out of the woodwork in Los Angeles. The seismic ordinances were passed in 2015, and …
Los Angeles Seismic Retrofit: How Close to a Fault Line is My Building
When LA’s city officials were compiling their list of at-risk buildings for the Los Angeles Seismic Retrofit program, they found over 13,000 apartment buildings that …
Filling Out The THP For Your Soft-Story Retrofit Los Angeles
Completing a soft-story retrofit in Los Angeles is a complicated process. A number of steps have to be taken to keep the project moving forward. …
Los Angeles Seismic Retrofitting Program To Implement A Rating System
After the devastation of the Northridge earthquake in 1994, Los Angeles city officials came together to make the city’s structures more resilient. They spent one …
How To Recover Some Of Your Soft-Story Retrofit Cost
When Los Angeles rolled out their mandatory soft-story retrofit program, property owners around the city were upset. Most of them saw this new program as …
LA’s Soft-Story Retrofit Program Includes a Seismic Safety Plan
As part of the Los Angeles soft-story retrofit program, the mayor has put together a Seismic Safety Task Force. The head of this task force …
Time is Running Out, Have you Hired a Retrofit Contractor Yet?
Los Angeles rolled out their soft-story retrofit program in 2015. The goal is to make the city’s structures more resilient and to prevent loss of …
3 Solutions used for Soft-Story Retrofitting
If you own an apartment complex in the Los Angeles area, you should have been notified by now to complete a soft-story retrofitting on the …
Review of Special Moment Frames used in a Soft-Story Retrofit
After the most recent earthquakes that hit Ridgecrest on July 4th and 5th, soft-story retrofitting has become a popular topic of conversation among property owners …
Unforeseen Complications of the LA Soft-Story Retrofit Program
The LA soft-story retrofit program was implanted four years ago. It seemed this program was moving along as planned, but recently many Structural Engineers (SE …